Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Die casting> Izingxenye ezizenzakalelayo> Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye
Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye
Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye
Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye
Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye
Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye
Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye
Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye
Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye

Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye

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Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye

Inqubo: Ukuphonsa kwesihlabathi okungekho emthethweni

Ukusetshenziswa: izingxenye ze-auto

Imishini Yemishini:
Isikhungo Semishini ye-CNC, i-CNC Lathes, umshini wokugaya i-CNC, umshini wokusika ulayini, umshini wokugaya, njll.
1) Polybag ne-carton, 0.5-10 kg / carton,
2) i-pallet noma isitsha
3) njengokucaciswa okwenziwe ngokwezifiso.

I-Ningbo City Yizhou Ruican MichchAny Co, Ltd. Ukhethekile ngokuphonsa kanye nokukhuthaza isikhunta iminyaka engaphezu kwengu-20. Kubandakanya ukusakaza kwesihlabathi, ukusakaza imali, ukudinwa kokudla, ukumbopha njll. Kulawa maningi sinabangane abangu-15 ukuklama nokwakha isikhunta. Senza isikhunta efektri yethu ukuze senziwe ngokushesha ngangokunokwenzeka, ngeke sichithe isikhathi ngosuku lokuqeda isikhunta. Benze isikhunta esizenzakalelayo, ngakho-ke ukukhiqizwa kungcono kakhulu. Besingeze umugqa wokukhiqiza ngokuphonswa kwesihlabathi futhi sanciphisa isikhathi sokuhamba.

• Izingxenye ezikhiqizwe zisetshenziswa kabanzi ezingxenyeni ze-auto; ukucwila kokushisa; ezolimo, ezolimo, zasolwandle; imishini yokwakha, imishini ye-medica; izinyo lokudla, ama-medical, izinyo lokudla nokunye.

• Ukukhishwa konyaka kokukhishwa okuhlukahlukene kungaphezulu kwama-50,000tons nezinhlobo ezingaphezu kuka-3000.

cast iron wheels cnc part for auto. parts

Hlobo luni lwemikhiqizo esingalunikeza?

Products According to the customers'technical drawings or s amples
Casting Material Cast Iron, ductile iron, Grey iron, GG25, GG20, GGG40, GGG50, GGG60 GGG70: 
Casting Product Weight available from 0.02kg to 3000kg
Surface Treatment Oxidation
Plating zinc
Hot galvanized
Powder coating
Sand blasting
Vbration Grinding
Inspection *100% ins pection before shipping, offer the material reports and mechanical property reports
*Control Plan and PPAP documents according to the clients'requirements
*ISO9001: 2015 quality control system
Extra Service CNC machining servce in our machining workshop
Advantages * The dimensions and outs ide shape are similar with investment casting
*The surface roughness is good from 2.5 to 25um(100 to 1000um
*The min thickness can meet 3 mm(0. 120inch)
*decrease the internal crack and keep close structure
*As no joint and defect the cleaning and machining work can be less
*it's cheaper because its a simpler process and the foam is cheaper than the wax

Isingeniso Sethulelo

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Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Die casting> Izingxenye ezizenzakalelayo> Cast Iron Wheels CNC ingxenye ye-auto. izingxenye

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Gcwalisa eminye imininingwane ukuze ukwazi ukuxhumana nawe ngokushesha

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.
