Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.
Are cast aluminum alloys and aluminum alloys the same? Strictly speaking it is not the same. Aluminum alloys include cast aluminum alloys and deformed aluminum alloys. Therefore, cast aluminum alloy is a kind of aluminum alloy. Cast aluminum alloy has good casting properties, and can be made into parts with complex shapes; it does not require huge additional equipment; it has the advantages of saving metal, saving costs, and reducing man-hours, and has been well used in the aviation industry and civil industry. Deformed aluminum alloys are processed by hot and cold pressure such as rolling and extrusion, and can produce profiles such as plates, bars, wires, and tubes. General building materials use this alloy more.
Cast aluminum alloys can be divided into four series according to the types of main added elements: aluminum-silicon alloys, aluminum-copper alloys, aluminum-magnesium alloys and aluminum-zinc alloys. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, most of the cast aluminum alloys now use aluminum-magnesium alloys. Because of their high strength, corrosion resistance and low density, they can be used to make aluminum profiles and spare parts. Diversified needs can be applied. Most of the industrial automation equipment frames, assembly line workbenches, etc. use aluminum-magnesium alloy series. Therefore, aluminum-magnesium alloys are also called industrial aluminum alloy profiles.
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
October 18, 2022
Imeyili kulo mthengisi
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
October 18, 2022
Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.
Gcwalisa eminye imininingwane ukuze ukwazi ukuxhumana nawe ngokushesha
Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.