Izingxenye zensimbi ezingenasici
Sigxile ku:
1. Ukutshala imali (insimbi ye-carbon, insimbi engagqwali, insimbi ye-alloy, njll.)
2. I-Maching (CNC Center, CNC LATE, iLathe, umshini wokumba, umshini wokugaya, umshini wokucindezela, njll.)
Isitifiketi: Iso9001: 2008, TS16949
Inqubo: Ukuphonsa okutshalwa kwezimali (kufaka phakathi ukuphonsa kwak okulahlekile kanye nokushayisana kwe-sibulting) (kufaka phakathi umshini we-CNC, i-lathe, isikhungo somshini)
Isoftware: I-PRO / E, i-auto cad, umsebenzi oqinile, ug, cad, cam
Izingxenye zethu zisetshenziswa kabanzi ezingxenyeni ze-auto (ezinjenge-wheel hub, hitch trailer,
ukwesekwa kwentwasahlobo yomoya yezingxenye ze-auto, i-hot hook njll); Ama-valve castings, ukufakwa kwe-valve, izingxenye zemishini yezolimo, amaphampu nokunye.
Hlobo luni lwemikhiqizo esingalunikeza?
According to the customers' technical drawings or samples
Casting Material
Cast Iron, ductile iron, Grey iron, GG25, GG20, GGG40, GGG50, GGG60 GGG70:
Casting Product Weight
available from 0.02kg to 3000kg
Surface Treatment
Plating zinc
Hot galvanized
Powder coating
Sand blasting
Vbration Grinding
*100% ins pection before shipping, offer the material reports and mechanical property reports
*Control Plan and PPAP documents according to the clients'requirements
*ISO9001: 2015 quality control system
Extra Service
CNC machining servce in our machining workshop
* The dimensions and outs ide shape are similar with investment casting
*The surface roughness is good from 2.5 to 25um(100 to 1000um
*The min thickness can meet 3 mm(0. 120inch)
*decrease the internal crack and keep close structure
*As no joint and defect the cleaning and machining work can be less
*it's cheaper because its a simpler process and the foam is cheaper than the wax