Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Izingxenye zemishini ye-CNC> Izingxenye zensimbi ezibonakalayo zemishini> Investment Insimbi Engagqwali Best Advance Advance Advence Auto Izingxenye
Investment Insimbi Engagqwali Best Advance Advance Advence Auto Izingxenye
Investment Insimbi Engagqwali Best Advance Advance Advence Auto Izingxenye
Investment Insimbi Engagqwali Best Advance Advance Advence Auto Izingxenye
Investment Insimbi Engagqwali Best Advance Advance Advence Auto Izingxenye
Investment Insimbi Engagqwali Best Advance Advance Advence Auto Izingxenye

Investment Insimbi Engagqwali Best Advance Advance Advence Auto Izingxenye

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Ukupakisha nokulethwa
Uhlobo lwephakheji : izikhwama ze-bubble, ibhokisi, ama-pallets, namanye amaphakheji njengoba amaklayenti 'adingekayo

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izingxenye eziyisisekelo zomshini we-CNC
izingxenye ze-aluminium machining
Incazelo yomkhiqizo

I-OEM OFFUMED UKUTHENGA I-3D Ukuphrinta Ukuphrinta Okungagculisi Izingxenye ezi-AUTO EZIQHAWULEKILE NE-COSTEMEME SPING Procung Process

I-Ningbo City Yinzhou Ruican machchnicery co, Ltd itholakala eNingbo City, omunye wabadumile
kanye ne-port yesibili yesitsha esikhulu eChina ngokuhamba okulula komoya,
Ocean and Express, ezasungulwa ngo-2003.
I-Ningbo City Yinzhou Ruican machchcinery co, Ltd ingumkhiqizi oqondile, ihlanganisa isihlabathi
I-Casting Realry, Ukutshala imali ngokusebenzela i-warry kanye ne-machching workshop, futhi unikeze th
I-Donctile Iron Grey Iron Sand Sand Casting Parts, Izingxenye Zokutshala Ukutshalwa Kwezimali, Ukuphonsa I-Aluminium
kanye nokunemba kwemishini izingxenye.
Izingxenye ezikhiqizwe zisetshenziswa kabanzi ezingxenyeni ze-auto: ezolimo, zasolwandle; Izakhiwo, imishini,
Ezokwelashwa; Imishini yokudla, ama-valve nokunye. Impahla esiyisebenzisile
I-Aluminium; Ithusi; Zethusi; Ithusi; insimbi yekhabhoni; insimbi engagqwali nokunye.
Ngasikhathi sinye, singanikezela ngemishini ye-CNC; Phosphating; Ukucubungula okumnyama;
I-Hot DIP Galvaning: I-Powder Coating: Umdwebo: Plating, umhlangano wamakhasimende.
Imikhiqizo engama-85% ithengiselwa phesheya kwezilwandle, amakhasimende avela eMelika, eCanada, eYurophu
Inyunyana, ect. Mina 15% imikhiqizo iyathengiswa emakethe kazwelonke.
Kunabasebenzi abacishe babe ngama-200 enkampanini yethu manje nangochwepheshe abayi-10 abavela
medium kuya kwabadala. Sinabakhiqizi kanye nezinto zokuhlobisa, ezinjenge-medium
Imvamisa yemvamisa; I-Shot Blaster; umhloli we-hardness; Umhloli wokuhlaziywa kwe-spectrum; Metlurgical
Umhloli wokuhlaziya, cmm; ukutholwa kokufa; Umhloli we-Raving Roughness
I-ISO9001: 2008 ne-TS16949 Systerm ukuqiniseka ikhwalithi.

investment stainless steel auto partsmachined auto partscnc machined auto parts

Hlobo luni lwemikhiqizo esingalunikeza?

Products According to the customers'technical drawings or s amples
Casting Material Cast Iron, ductile iron, Grey iron, GG25, GG20, GGG40, GGG50, GGG60 GGG70: 
Casting Product Weight available from 0.02kg to 3000kg
Surface Treatment Oxidation
Plating zinc
Hot galvanized
Powder coating
Sand blasting
Vbration Grinding
Inspection *100% ins pection before shipping, offer the material reports and mechanical property reports
*Control Plan and PPAP documents according to the clients'requirements
*ISO9001: 2015 quality control system
Extra Service CNC machining servce in our machining workshop
Advantages * The dimensions and outs ide shape are similar with investment casting
*The surface roughness is good from 2.5 to 25um(100 to 1000um
*The min thickness can meet 3 mm(0. 120inch)
*decrease the internal crack and keep close structure
*As no joint and defect the cleaning and machining work can be less
*it's cheaper because its a simpler process and the foam is cheaper than the wax

Isingeniso Sethulelo

Ifektri ehlobene


Ikhaya> Imikhiqizo> Izingxenye zemishini ye-CNC> Izingxenye zensimbi ezibonakalayo zemishini> Investment Insimbi Engagqwali Best Advance Advance Advence Auto Izingxenye

Othintana naye

Thumela ukuPhenya

Thumela ukuPhenya

Sizokuthinta ngokushesha

Gcwalisa eminye imininingwane ukuze ukwazi ukuxhumana nawe ngokushesha

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kithina. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungadaluli imininingwane yakho kunoma yikuphi ukuveza izimvume zakho ezicacile.
